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Managing Television in the Home

Television watching should be a fun and relaxing activity for kids and adults alike—but too often it's a source of family conflict. If you're concerned about television, banning it isn't a practical solution. Instead, you need to learn to co-exist with television by managing how much your kids watch, and what.

Understanding the Rating Systems

Rating systems can be helpful when trying to choose appropriate movies, but with many different systems in use in Canada, they can also be very confusing. To help make sense of the differences, here's an overview of all the systems currently in use.

Understanding the rating system for video games

It's important to know what the ratings mean on the video games your children play. The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) is an industry organization that has developed a rating system for computer, Internet and video games. Most games sold in North America are rated using this system.

Managing Video Game Playing in the Home - Tip Sheet

Good-quality video games offer lots of benefits to children and teens.

Managing Music in the Home

A tip sheet for parents on how to manage music in the home.

Resources for Parents - Music

Parents can view resources relating to music in media here.